Durable Antimicrobial Surface Protection (silane quat water solution)
Typical disinfectants kill viruses and bacteria within 10 minutes, but once the product dries, there's no further protection. The cleaned surface is now ready to be re-contaminated. Imagine someone wiping and disinfecting a surface every time new microorganisms contaminate it or spread further.
silane quat water solution is not a replacement for existing disinfecting protocols but serves as the secondary level of defense against microorganisms, bacteria, mold, and mildew. Our unique coating technology is an EPA approved bacteriostatic as it kills without poison and will not leach off treated surfaces or create superbugs.
The first and foremost thing to remember about silane quat water solution is that by treating a surface,HealthCare Synergy in no way is making a public health claim. The EPA has not yet approved any
registered antimcrobial for viral claims. silane quat water solution is an EPA registered antimicrobial, allowing for durable bacteriostatic, fungistatic, and algaestatic surface protection. Permanent surface disinfection Antimicrobial coatings
Highlighted benefits are:
Environmentally Friendly
Non-Toxic, non-poisonous microscopic electrostatically held on the surface "needles" puncture organisms using a physical kill, not a chemical kill, also means no superbugs.
Protective Barrier
The protective barrier reduces cross-contamination on high touch and at-risk surfaces.
Prevents Mold, Mildew, and other Microorganisms Growth on Surfaces Biofilm cannot exist on a silane quat water solution treated surfaces; therefore, mold, mildew, and other microorganisms cannot thrive.
Long Lasting
silane quat water solution provides a protective surface that is not destroyed by daily cleaning and lasts up to 90 days, depending on surface abrasion/use, with each simple application.
Sustainable & Healthy Surface Environment (benefits continued)
silane quat water solution is the foundation strategy used to maintain a sustainable and healthy surface environment.