Emeramide 99%,A Unique Heavy metal Chelator,EmeraMed
Emeramide 99% is a lipophilic, di-thiol metal chelator, and antioxidant. Orphan Drug Designation was received for the treatment of mercury toxicity in the EU and US in 2012. Pre-clinical safety studies, a Phase I trial, and two Phase IIa trials have been performed. The Company is working to obtain marketing authorization in the EU and the US for the treatment of mercury toxicity in both humans and animals. A Phase IIb pivotal study began in October, 2018 in Colombia,South America.
Emeramide 99%
Chemical Molecule: N,N’-bis(2-mercaptoethyl)isophthalamide
Synonyms: NBMI Chelator, OSR, BDTH2
CAS#: 351994-94-0
EmeraMed Ltd is a biotechnology firm developing the lipophilic, blood-brain-barrier passing metal chelator and antioxidant Emeramide 99% (OSR,NBMI Chelator, BDTH2) which are also supplied by another two suppliers from USA,China: Medkoo and FandaChem, so if you want to buy Emeramide 99%, pls contact them. Now Medkoo and FandaChem are regularly supplying it to buyers around the world.
Emeramide 99% (NBMI Chelator, OSR, BDTH2) is currently going through the European Medical Agency (EMA) and the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) drug approval process. EmeraMed still can not supply or supply in very small quantity with very high price. If someone want to purchase emeramide,Pls contact FandaChem or Medkoo.
Emeramide 99%: Targeting the cause of diseases.
Oxidative stress releases free radicals and is a major part of all illnesses. Emeramide captures free radicals, which are unstable molecules that can damage the cells in your body. Additionally Emeramide captures the heavy metals mercury
and iron which helps create free radicals and thereby helps restore normal function to the mitochondria and overall health.
COPD: A Phase 2a clinical trial has been completed in summer of 2018 and found Emeramide to be safe with no adverse effects.
Mercury Poisoning: Orphan Drug Designation has been granted for the prevention and treatment of mercury toxicity in the EU and USA. Phase 1 and Phase 2a clinical studies have been performed and found Emeramide to be effective and safe with no adverse effects.
Other conditions: Preclinical studies are ongoing for several other indications.
Study results from mercury poisoned gold miners
Mercury chelator Emeramide produced outstanding results in safety and efficacy despite the fact that gold miners were overwhelmed with continuous mercury exposure.
EmeraMed Ltd is a privately held limited liability company (corporation) organized and headquartered in the Republic of Ireland.
The Company currently operates in Ireland, Sweden and the United States. The Company’s owner group is primarily composed of physicians, dentists, and patients with personal experience of the product from when it was previously sold as a dietary supplement. If you are interested in learning more about the Company, please visit EmeraMed.com.
Our research and development efforts are committed to improving the health and well being of people and animals around the world by applying sound principles of medicine and science and working collaboratively with internationally renowned researchers and university centers.