EnviroSystems BioShield 75 (0.75% Water Solution of cas 199111-50-7)
Active Ingredient:
3-(trihydroxysilyl)propyldimethyloctadecyl ammonium chloride...........0.75% water solution
cas no.: 199111-50-7
EnviroSystems BioShield 75 (0.75% cas 199111-50-7) is one ready-to-use antimicrobial surface treatment.
This product inhibits the growth of bacteria, mold, mildew, algae, and fungi and under normal conditions will remain effective for up to 90 days.
BioShield 75 water solution 0.75% (0.75% cas 199111-50-7) is registered for use as an antimicrobial under US EPA and FDA regulations to preserve food contact surfaces.
Advantages of EnviroSystems BioShield 75 (0.75% water solution of cas 199111-50-7):
*Is registered for use as an antimicrobial under US EPA and FDA regulations to preserve food contact surfaces
*Long-term prevention from 90 days to more than year
*Non-leaching, mechanical method of efficacy
*Water based, odorless and colorless
*Highly durable bond
*Non-toxic upon drying
*Prevents biofilm buildup
*Can be wiped, sprayed or misted on virtually any surface
*May reduce the risk of shutdown or non-compliance
*Compliments standard cleaning regimens and may improve overall cleaning efficiency
*Inhibits typical harborage areas from microbial growth
*Works on porous and non-porous surfaces
Applying EnviroSystems BioShield 75 (0.75% cas 199111-50-7):
1)Clean the surface prior to BioShield application:
Apply a general purpose cleaner/degreaser. We recommend EnviroSystems 420-4 Green Kleen. Spray surface and allow to soak for 15 minutes, then wipe off using a clean, wet cloth. The surface should then be rinsed with clean water and
allowed to thoroughly dry. This process will remove all cleaning product residues, leaving the surface properly prepared for the BioShield application.
For environments requiring a sanitizing step, such as food service, food processing, etc. apply Novalent Sanitizer + Disinfectant at 1 part of the product to 1 part of water (food contact sanitizing). For use as a one-step hospital
disinfectant, use the RTU (Ready-To-Use) Novalent Sanitizer + Disinfectant with no dilution. Allow 10-minute contact time.
2)Apply BioShield for long lasting protection:
After ensuring all surfaces are thoroughly dry, apply a coating of BioShield by spraying. Allow to dry, then apply a second coat. Once the treated surfaces are completely dry, BioShield is active against microorganisms.
INSTRUCTIONS of EnviroSystems BioShield 75 (0.75% cas 199111-50-7):
1. REMOVE any loose debris and where applicable, wipe surface with damp rag.
2. CLEAN: Using EnviroSystems Green Kleen 420-4 (ready to use):
Hold sprayer about eight inches from surface to be cleaned.
Spray on and wipe it off! On extremely dirty surfaces, allow to penetrate and leave on surface for 2-3 minutes. Apply second spray if needed, and wipe.
Wipe surface with clean, damp sponge or cloth.
For removal of built-up, caked on grime, or for best results when cleaning rough irregular surfaces, spray on, agitate with brush, rinse and wipe.
3. SANITIZE: Using EnviroSystems Sanitizer 440 (EPA REG.NO.1839-86-53053—has demonstrated effectiveness against viruses similar to 2019 novel coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) on hard, non-porous surfaces. Therefore, this product can be used
against SARS-CoV-2, the novel coronavirus that causes the disease COVID-19, when used in accordance with the directions for use against Adenovirus Type 5 on hard, non-porous surfaces.
BioShield 75 (0.75% cas 199111-50-7) is odorless, colorless, and undetectable by touch. Once it’s dry, you will not smell it, see it, or be able to feel it. This is a unique formula that covalently bonds with most surfaces. When applied to a dry surface, it
only take minutes to polymerize. These polymer chains are very difficult to break, and that’s why BioShield lasts months on the surface.
The most accurate way to test the durability of BioShield is by environmental micro testing. We recommend swabbing your treated surfaces a minimum of every 30 days until micro results begin to show evidence of contamination.
How does it React?
BioShield 75 (0.75% cas 199111-50-7) works more physically than chemically. It protects surfaces against microorganisms using a unique mode of action that interferes with structure and colony formation, and damages bacterial protein structures. First,
microorganisms are attracted to the positively charged Ions which Immobilize the cell. Next the long molecular chain physically penetrates the cell wall effectively destroying the cell. By this mechanism of action, Bioshield 75 reduces
total bacteria counts on surfaces, thereby reducing the risk of cross contamination, spread of organisms between people, decreases the potential for negatlve outcomes. And since the mechanism action is physical, not chemical, this
product does not promote the development of resistant organisms. This is a quat based product and quats are known to also inhibit viral growth.
How does it work specifically?
A micro biostatic layer of spikes conslstlng of posltlvely charged ions--pathogen cells are attracted to the spike by the posltlve charge and thereby have their cell walls pierced, thus destroyjng the cell. The positively charged ion
then electrocutes the cell, addlng to the efficacy. Since this Is a physical mode of action, the destroyed cell cannot mutate or replicate, thus ellmlnatlng risk of antimicrobial resistance.
The Germ Shield molecule bonds permanently to surface or textile via covalent bonds.
>The long molecular chain with lipid fats acts like a sword and forms a microscopic ‘bed of nails’ on the surface.
>Positively charged nitrogen attracts the microbes to the surface.
>The tiny swords pierce the cell membrane of microbe upon contact. The membrane is destroyed by electrically pulling ions out and denaturing proteins.
>The swords are not damaged and continue to shield the surface from germs, attracting, piercing and killing future microorganisms.
In conclusion, BioShield 75 (0.75% cas 199111-50-7) is a series of badass bacteria-fighting-microscopic swords.
What Tests Have Been Conducted?
Does It Have Regulatory Approvals? BioShield 75 has been proven efficacious using Widely recognized test methods such as IIS 2801 and ASTM 2149 testing Furthermore, there have been numerous Independent studies, Including one conducted
by the university of Minnesota , that validate durablllty and ettectlveness. BioShield 75 (0.75% cas 199111-50-7) is US EPA approved for use on food contact surfaces and has been granted numerous safety approvals Including Assure Quality and Oeko-Tex.
What are the specific bugs against which BioShield 75 offers protection?
Laboratory tests have shown BioShield 75 (0.75% cas 199111-50-7) to protect surfaces against a variety of bacteria, fungi, and yeasts Including but not limited to: staphylococcus aureus, MRSA, klebslella pneumoniae, listeria monocytogenes, E.cou, aspergillus
nlger, postla placenta, Cladosporlum sphaerospermum.
Importantly, the BioShield 75 product is highly durable and non-leaching unlike its competitors based on metallic platforms such as silver, zinc or tin. Furthermore, trlclosan based antimicrobials have been banned from use in soaps,
are no longer an option, and further bans are likely. The Bioshield treated surface can be cleaned with regular cleaners and disinfectants without diminishing its protective effects as the polymer remains covalently bonded to the surface
for 90 days, greatly reducing the frequency of disinfectant fogging, saving businesses a great deal in solution costs.
Once BioShield 75 (0.75% cas 199111-50-7) is applied do I have to clean as often or as carefully?
BioShield 75 helps make surfaces easier to clean and helps keep them clean!
However, we cannot stress enough that “standard cleaning practices should always be maintained.