Why is Emeramide 99%,NBMI Chelator,OSR,BDTH2 so Effective ?
Emeramide 99% (NBMI Chelator,OSR,BDTH2) is soluble in lipophilic, fatty tissues.
Once it encounters a heavy metal, such as Mercury(Hg), Lead (Pb),Iron (Fe), Cadmium(Cd),Copper (Cu).
Emeramide 99% fully combines with that heavy metal to quickly render the metal chemically inert and nontoxic.
The Emeramide Mercury complex (Em/Hg) is insoluble in fat, water, acid or base. Furthermore, it takes 230℃ to break apart the firm bond between Emeramide and mercury.
Experiments have shown that the Emeramide Mercury complex (Em/Hg complex) is removed from the body by the P-450 detox system which attaches a charged water soluble group to the complex, marking it for excretion through the bowel as is commonly done for many water insoluble compounds and drugs. Please refer to emeramide dosage from FandaChem to take Emeramide (NBMI, OSR, BDTH2).